A 6-week journey back to your truest self
I am so happy that you landed on this page, my love!
It’s not a coincidence you are here. Your Soul knows it is time. It’s time to step away from old patterns of DOING and to step into who you are meant to BE. I am honored to be on this journey with you, helping you remember who you’ve been all along.
I’m going to guess you are exhausted at this point. Tired of trying and pushing and shoving. It’s a cycle, right? We push away the pain that lurks beneath the surface, putting up walls around our hearts to maintain the false sense of security we have held onto all this time. But when we realize we can’t escape ourselves we try to double down on the healing tactics we’ve heard all about; becoming frustrated when we realize those too are not “working” and fall back into the same old patterns we started with.
Deep breath my love: You are not alone in this struggle. This is a story that so many of us share, but here is the magic, we get to choose a new way. Inside this container, I will be here to support you and a group of other womxn through the complete rewiring of your nervous system. It is here where shifts occur and where change can’t NOT happen.
At the end of our 6 weeks together, you will be met with a new understanding of what it means to be you; the truth of how freedom, joy, and inner peace are not only possible but they’re your birthright.
Our 6 weeks together will include:
6 Hallelujah teaching calls
6 Hallelujah embodiment calls
Access to teachings and tools that have changed my life
A Facebook group to hold one another in between calls (And some surprise extra teachings)
The bundle includes
1) God, God, God, and more God
I’m not talking about the God that sits on a throne and judges. I’m talking about The Divine Creator, Universe, Soul, the one that lives Within you. God is this course. The beginning and the end. We start here to build a beautiful foundation for the weeks ahead. We come together in prayer, in unity, as we ask for the layers to unravel.
2) The Feminine and Emotional Mastery
The feminine feels. The feminine moves. Learn to feel for the sake of feeling. Not to get anywhere. Allow the moment to have you. We are here to practice going into the mystery. To grow, expand, and be initiated. Are you ready to create unshakable safety?
3) Embody your Essence
Now that you’ve surrendered to God and remembered how to deeply feel, you can tap into what is TRUE for you. This will allow you to embrace and embody your essence. Your core essence is what makes you uniquely “you”. You now have enough space and clarity to claim what has been yours to claim all along. Embracing your essence will help you flow with more grace in life.
4) Desire and Trust
You know who YOU are. You’ve reclaimed your essence. You’ve stopped giving your power away. So, now you can touch your desire more closely. At the core of everything, we all desire more Love. More God. More pleasure. More joy. You name it. But first, you must get clear on whether you’re living in alignment with your desires. It’s time to take inventory. And can you lean in with a bit more trust? I dare you.
5) Manifesting and Abundance
Goodbye to the “positive vibes only” movement and hello to a new authentic way of relating to your life. You already have it all. And by now, your system is clean as can be. You have built such a strong faith with a Higher Power, you are clear with who you are, your desires, and relating to others. Now you can call in from your worthiness, from your wholeness.
6) relationships
Every relationship stems back to the relationship you have with yourself. And then pours into all other ones. The relationship with your cup of tea. With your walk. With your neighbor. With life itself. We are going to dive deep into the nervous system to clear old relational patterns (including but not limited to romantic and sister wounds).
In this BONUS masterclass, we will be discussing how to sovereignly hold yourself while also voicing your needs to others. It is truly a practice in self-nourishment and discernment.
This is for you if you’re tired of outsourcing your power and pain onto others. If you are tired of feeling codependent and ready to return to your Self, you won’t want to miss it!
You’ll leave with new knowledge and language around this, embodiment exercises, and tools to take with you. You’ll know how to return to Self and be your own Source. And you will leave feeling empowered and more unshakable than ever before!
I have taken years of teachings and condensed them into one class!
Curious what it’s like to work with me?
“I have felt so much peace and love with permission to show up just as I am. You have given me the space to welcome all my parts, to show myself grace and remove a lot of that judgement. The people who know me best can see an internal shift inside me, and even better I feel it too. Which I can only attribute to all the tools you have given to me. You hold such a sacred space for me to grow, accept, forgive and learn deeply. The work you do and who you are is such a gift for this world. The path you have carved out to become the person you are is so appreciated. The parts of you that you set aside, to be present in every session is so appreciated. The healing energy that comes from within you and fills up our space (even through an internet connection) is so so appreciated. You reflect, teach, lead, push, honor and give space to me and to all who know you.”
“Callie, I don’t even know where to start or where it could possibly end. You’re changing my life. You offer so much to this world. Thank you for fearlessly believing in me when I couldn't.”
“You held the perfect, tender, wide open, fully seen, so loved space for me during such transitioning times. The healing of my hand, opening to accept and receive all that was transpiring from that accident. Finding center, and welcoming love into my life. So much turbulence, and you continued to reflect to me stability and Knowing right there. Thank you for your gifts shared. For allowing me to be so vulnerable, and for the vulnerability you reciprocated. Human to human, spirit to spirit, soul to soul.. thank you thank you thank you Callie. That container with felt like a very very long hug, and the blooming of a blessed connection.”
“My sessions with Callie have been phenomenally transformative. I went into my initial breathwork session not knowing what to expect, and after just one session I understood the hype for this practice. All of my sessions have been virtual, and even so Callie brought amazing healing energy into my space. Callie cultivated an environment where I felt safe, held, and validated throughout each breath. I didn't expect to feel much of a difference (I was definitely a skeptic before) but now, three sessions later, I stand by my word when I say my sessions with Callie have been groundbreaking. What I'm most grateful for is that I can use the breath patterns Callie taught me in sessions to bring me back to my body at any time.”
Hallelujah is $1,306 paid in full but for a limited time only, you get it only for $588 plus a bonus masterclass
Before you pay, send out a little intention or prayer to the Universe for our next 6 weeks together! And start watching the magic unfold!
$588/one-time payment